The Earth Is Not a Planet

by Surfnetter on October 29, 2007


The fact is that I know what I’m up against when trying to argue this point with people of the prevailing – nearly ubiquitous, in fact – mindset of the modern West. I’ve done my own “study” of this. When asked to draw a picture of the earth as they believe God sees it, people over childhood ages invariably draw a globe in space. Some will put trees and people, etc., on the sphere, but this modern cosmic view is how this question is answered by adult and adolescent Westerners. But the more you get into the childhood years, the more they will answer with sketches that are more like what they see everyday — a backyard, a playground, etc., from a “feet on the ground” viewpoint.

This leads me to believe that today’s meta-narrative is the scientific view. We give up our own points of view of life in deference to what science is learning. But science does not delve into the spiritual, and, spiritually speaking, the earth is not a planet — it is our home and is everything – and the only thing – the vast majority of us have ever known.

I know that when people are arguing for the scientific viewpoint of life rather than the spiritual, these people have been completely brainwashed as to experiencing life.

Life is Spiritual, not scientific ….


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Aaron 02.01.11 at 4:10 pm

Right on man

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