“I, John …”

by Surfnetter on April 26, 2010

At the end of the Gospel of John there is a passage that has led to much controversy until this day. The Resurrected Lord Jesus has just told Peter about how one day soon he will be bound and led to his death against his will. Peter — for some unknown reason – wants to know what fate awaits the “beloved apostle” John, the historically accepted author of the passage. Jesus answers cryptically, “If I want him to stay until I come, what does it matter to you? You are to follow me.” John 21:22

Good advice for all situations. Each of us has his or her own journey to worry about. But still — what does Jesus mean to say about St. John’s fate? Are there any clues in other passages?

At the beginning of the 9th Chapter of Mark — something which should really have been included at the end of the previous chapter– is another mysterious passage about the same subject matter. Or is it …?

“And He said to them, ‘In truth I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power.’” Mark 9:1

I don’t know if anyone else has ever pointed this out. This passage is linked by many to the one I quoted above it to show that the Apostle John did not die, but is alive somewhere or was translated without dying into Heaven, like Elijah and Enoch of old. Or else, some assert, the Jesus of the Bible is a liar and a fraud.

But the author of the Book of the Revelation — beginning the recording of his visions with “I, John …”(Rev 1:9) — speaks of all the apocryphal events leading up to and including “the kingdom of God come in power …” with the introductory phrase, “I saw …”.

Jesus does not lie. The beloved John can rest in peace.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

marstarrxo 05.08.10 at 11:07 am

cool-any ideas how any of us can get translated to heaven without dying.

Surfnetter 05.08.10 at 12:06 pm

If I knew that one I’d be gone ….

kim 02.11.11 at 8:44 am

Heaven is a place on earth. In my house there are many mansions,on earth there are also.

Surfnetter 02.13.11 at 9:50 am

Yes Kim — I believe that the Kingdom of God on Earth is one of these places. Perhaps life does exist in other remote (from us) parts of our Universe; these would be His mansions as well. I believe we will find all this out one day!

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